I've been absent from this blog and I know its been far too long. I would call my absence a sabbatical except that it wasn't. I suppose it could be considered down time...-transition might be a better word actually. It was certainly time that left me with much to ponder and wonder. Truth be told I'm full of "lots to say" but wanting to carefully craft my thoughts into something "marketable" has me planning the direction of my post. For me marketable just means I want to appeal to my audience in a way that's tangible. Of course that lasted all of a few seconds up until I started writing this post because today I'm pensive, I'm full and need to release. For all the topics I have planned I still find that I'm going off script. The deviation so strong that it must be something needed in the atmosphere or perhaps my need for expression is stronger. Humbly I'll accept the latter. I needed to blog as much as this empty page needed to be fill...