Sometimes if you sit back and observe you notice a lot of things. This one observation seems to be true. If your husband listens to everyone but you , is extremely slow on his ability to respond, thinks he has all the answers to what you think without ever consulting you or saying a single word to you in important regards...There is a problem. It's a major problem and you can best believe he hasn't factored you in the equation at all. If he's unable to communicate how he feels directly to you...That's an even bigger issue because you're the one who's hurt by those type of actions. Other people can say I'm sorry, I didn't know. But you live with those decisions and then have to try and see if there's enough in the relationship to work your way back. Boom!!! If you aren't talking to your other half, your helpmate, your support system you've likely made so many wrong decisions that she's doubtful on where she factors in. Now if he...