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Showing posts from April, 2011

Thought For The Day

In the general sense of things, if you ever find that you are constantly paying for other people's mistakes it's time to step back and re-evaluate the situation. Love does bear some things but you must know the extent and boundaries to which you will assume the burden- and resolve to have critical conversations .


There are times when there is soooooooooo much to say (read March 10ths post), and there are times when others will say it for you. Today is one of those days. Over and over the words linger in the air, with notes, top, middle and bottom clinging to any object that will hold their sound and the vibrational intonation creates a lasting impression when you know the frequency of truth has just been transmitted and spoken. I sit and have a jam session by myself. And I shout out all the great women who can relate to "when I love I love till there's no more" Wow is that not so typical of us. Sometimes we have to thank each for supporting one another. I suppose this is my salute to the special women in my life and women around the world. Oh and men, to the ones that support us if you thought I left you out, nah, not a chance. We really do love you.

Feeling For The Day

Being strong is not just about being able to stand under pressure; it's about being comfortable with who you are; the ability to be vulnerable; to laugh; scream; cry; go it alone if you have to; as well as saying your presence in my life is needed. For the softness of water makes hard wood flexible, the two together create some of the most beautiful master pieces and love my dear is no dear. ~Thoughts on love, strength and being woman.

Thought For The Day

You don't have to ask permission to love or be in love. In fact one should avoid giving over such sacred and intimate freedoms for a third party to control. But rather the two should rest and be comforted and secure in the love they have for each other.

For Two

This weekend was packed with activities and cooking. But there is one notable dish that I enjoyed cooking. In fact I call it get your ring dish. If you're dating and want a nice dish to serve this is the one. Shout out to Paula Deen for a wonderful dish.

Something New Everyday

I'm learning that children will do almost anything for attention and that it is awfully important to make sure that your child does not have the wrong outside influences, are led by their own thoughts, and know how to say no to any form of peer pressure or bullying whether it is inside the school grounds or outside. In that space they will not only develop the trust they desire for that most wanted independence but will inevitably learn leadership and perhaps more importantly who's really their friend. ~ Thoughts on teen and having younger siblings

Quality of Life

Life is defined as: One's manner of living, the people and activities of a given time or in a given setting or class; human existence and activity, an individual’s lifetime experiences and something essential to the continued existence of something else. Quality is defined as: Any of the features that make something what it is; characteristics; attributes; basic nature; character When you put these two words together to form quality of life you get: the characteristics and attributes of one's life that make up and account of one's manner of living, the people and activities in their life that is essential to their well-being or existence. I woke up this morning thinking that quality of life is so important that one should never minimize or discount its necessity. I've known this for a long time but it would seem that others would recognize this as well. Certainly the older and more fragile you get seems to cosign for this line of thinking. And it is with this underst...

Just Thinking

It's amazing what you learn, realize and discover by just listening and not talking. Try doing this at home and it might prove more insightful than you think. I found myself thinking these simple but important points that every young person should hold near to their heart If you feel compelled to release the truth, do so it will set you free; If you find yourself being demeaned by your friend it may very well be time to part ways; and if being honest seems almost wholly impossible for you to do and you find yourself saying Lord have mercy, it's time to have the courage to do differently than you've always done; because I dare say to you that none of these are virtues to live by. But find one that you can, and there you will find wholeness.
Crossing my fingers that a few companies I used today are trusted service providers.~Thoughts on th e seemingly small things that concerns us.
 If ever your accomplishment is deception-you have won at being a counterfeit but have failed at impacting life with the uniqueness only you bring to this world. Don't fill your moments re-living someone else's days and life. One day you'll wake up void wondering what you truly would have done, had your life been your own. And you'll be angry at those who encouraged you to be someone other than yourself. Manufactured occasions leave you absent of the fulfillment of genuine relationships and yes precious memories. Why? Because they are not yours they are someone Else's. ~ Thoughts on why we encourage young women and girls to be themselves and love who they are .

Interesting, true, but funny thought

I've been pondering the question of what would I write if no one is looking? Today of all days would be the day that I'm thinking about this question. It's raining, the winds are blowing and there's a tornado warning. And here I sit having looked at family pictures, laughing thinking about simple family truths. And thought, one of things I would write is "Baby my Family Will Sink The Ship", a heartfelt conversation on telling my husband to be about not trying to please and get everyone's approval. It would be exhausting yet some people do it. It's not that I don't love them but I realize that people lay their treasures within for a purpose and together as a couple is the journey to find how to love, live, and let live those in our family while honoring those who are most important to the both of us.

Thought For The Day

Effective communication is very important in any relationship. To sacrifice or disregard it's importance is to suggest that you don't value the relationship in which case one should be honest and declare such.