If ever your accomplishment is deception-you have won at being a counterfeit but have failed at impacting life with the uniqueness only you bring to this world. Don't fill your moments re-living someone else's days and life. One day you'll wake up void wondering what you truly would have done, had your life been your own. And you'll be angry at those who encouraged you to be someone other than yourself. Manufactured occasions leave you absent of the fulfillment of genuine relationships and yes precious memories. Why? Because they are not yours they are someone Else's. ~Thoughts on why we encourage young women and girls to be themselves and love who they are.
Love is the thing that makes you smile, knows when you need a hug, supports you when you need uplifting, is a calming force, an ally when needed, but more importantly a hand to hold in times good, bad, and otherwise. Love is not be feared. But we should fear never giving ourselves and truly loving.
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