Sometimes we have to ask ourselves.... Are we trying to establish and build or are we trying to destroy? If you don't know the answer than you just discovered part of it; the other part lies in the conversations you have and more importantly the ones you don't have or never even attempted to have. These being my thoughts on making a connection and the soundness of relationships; a reflection on a question I posed to my parent. Do you know what’s important to me? Of course it would not be worthy or of any value (and certainly not fair) if I could not first answer my own ponderings. The idea is that if my heart has been trained to listen to what’s important to you and your future thoughts then and only then can I pose my questions about my wonderings of the faithfulness of someone’s heart.
Love is the thing that makes you smile, knows when you need a hug, supports you when you need uplifting, is a calming force, an ally when needed, but more importantly a hand to hold in times good, bad, and otherwise. Love is not be feared. But we should fear never giving ourselves and truly loving.
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