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Thought For The Day...

Don't waste time going back in the past trying to re-create memories that should be in your heart. Don't spend time projecting the issues of others on to someone else; and by all means know who you love. It should not be a matter of hesitation. Don't major in the minors. Major in your present life moving forward to something altogether special and meaningful. Look forward to a wonderful life of love that yes, consists of unforgettable memories that make you laugh, cry, dance, and celebrate. Remember the spirit of life lives within us that we may carry it into our future. Resolve, reconcile, that you might live an exciting life. Love would never want you to be weighted down unable to move forward and be progressive. Let your vision include things of old and things of new. But by all means live in the present.

I can think of no better thing to be free to love, love platonically, and yes romantically. Free to have public displays of affection (pda) and to cheek kiss and things like this. We work hard at what we do. Be mad when your love is slow getting to you because time apart is precious.

So yes, know who you love and don't be afraid to show it. I'm not! Are you?


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