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Showing posts from June, 2012

Advice to New Grads Cont.

Learn to rest in what you're purposed to do or pursuing those things that help you to define it. Spend time developing who you are. You'll find that to be most beneficial. Be sure to avoid creating a life built by someone else other than you, it is certain to spiral away, causing you to wonder where it is you have strayed. Don't think ill of others who have found their way but find peace in creating a life worth living and sharing with others.

Advice To New Grads

Graduation and Commencements have come and gone and still there are those for summer sessions. It's a great time of year and there's so much potential and possibilities in the air. A newness of life and expectation; children are off to college in a few months and others are beginning careers. Often this is accompanied with apprehension and what if's. The question is always asked what would you tell a new grad? Having traveled this road three times I can identify with many who are in celebration and preparation mode. My advice "be bold in your life". Boldness is not always boisterous it is the approach with which you are active and involved in your dreams and the wonderful things concerning what "you've planned". Yes, many of us plan to be so much so do that. Take each step toward each goal and dream and do it with the conviction. I'm always excited, present, and involved in my life and you should be too. If there's anything you've lea...

Thought For The Day

Life is not a matter of forgotten memories or meaningless past. It is a soliloquy of celebrated experiences, good times remembered and peace with time before. That which is forgettable we reconcile it unto a bright future. Oh yes the steps that we climbed to the podium, ran across the finish line were past steps that can create a path to a desired destination. I’m glad to have awakened this morning and felt the sun as I did yesterday. Those round trip flights aren’t you glad the pilot knew the way home. The gymnast who performed to all four corners of the mat, when she landed that arabesque where her feet had traveled once before, boy how the crowd roared when she brought home the gold.   ~reflections and mirrors are not always laced with reasons to erase. They can be reasons why we believe in something so special.

A Burger & Some Fries

I caught a glimpse on the web about dating. What to wear, what to say, eat-you know the dos and don't s of being with that special someone or someone of interest. It all has its place but it seems to leave out the main importance-building a relationship. That's really not a no brainier. I'm learning that people don't connect well socially. Having graduated from college I'm fully grown and the younger generation are looking like "what does she know". Well I'll tell you this, I've had conversations in the cell-phone company, learned more about a guy than many several years my junior learns in two dates; and will have fun all the same. That's why I say a burger and sweet potato fries goes a long way. If he’s funny well you just may have hit the ball out of the park. Every guy doesn't have to be the one and understanding that helps the dating process. You can focus on the friendship and if sparks fly then great. But if not perhaps...

This Bicycle is Built For Two Baby

This Bicycle is built for two Baby Some things are just not meant to be substituted. Only the real thing is representative of it.   Often times we delay the best part of our lives trying to fit too much and too many in a love only built for two.   Let’s get in unison, on one accord first and then invite others to celebrate our love. ~How to keep your family tight and get back on course when others try to take over and invite you to your relationship~. Now that’s hilarious

Thought For The Day

If someone doesn't understand you (or what you are doing), it is a good sign they either don't know, have been given misinformation or you need to explain again. Clarity is the supreme thing; one should not forsake being understood or leaving the details to several interpretations. Things that usually don't make sense are a sign of lack of effective communication.