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To the Graduate and Those who are Fulfilling Vision

To the Graduate and Those who are Fulfilling Vision

Very rarely do I address the graduate and the seasoned individuals (veterans of life as I call them) at the same time. However, this year I felt lead to do so. Mainly because those who endured through struggles and challenges may find themselves embarking on similar experiences as those several years younger. Perhaps it’s not a matter of recession at all but you’re at the next level of blessing in your life. Whatever the case, you are living through your vision. You’ll hear that word several times in this post because it’s apropos to the season of life we’re in. Some might argue we should always be living in our vision. 

Often times when someone’s vision or zest for life is vibrant we live vicariously through that person’s experiences. In close friendships and family relationships the same is true but it’s more like sharing your life with someone because at the heart of the relationship is love. However, the most exciting of these is when the people you’re connected to have dreams all their own. It’s a palatable experience that is like a burst of energy. Why? People are sharing their ideas and thoughts and endeavors. It’s a beautiful thing.

At some point, you have to have a vision all your own that will carry you through your own journey or trek through life. That’s what makes relationships long-lasting. Each individual has something to share that enhances the other’s life. If you are the only one with a dream or vision that allows you to stand on your own-you’re in trouble. Because rather than sharing life with someone your life gets consumed to the point of depletion.

You’ll find that in relationships, groups, organizations etc… Where everyone is pushed by the wind of their own dream- joy and strength, encouragement etc…. is in abundance. That is why successful people hang around other successful people and those who carry that same spirit. The energy is momentous. Here’s another thing that’s noticeable that we often miss. Because the energy is contagious you find less space to project on one another outside the context of who they are. Said another way, because each bear the baton of their own vision and dreams, they stand independent of the other, but can also stand in unions and agreement because each know the wherewithal to birth a vision. If someone can’t understand the journey, they don’t understand the strength and stamina required to see your ideas and creativity come into existence from something written on a paper to something tangible. Hmmm, yes, that’s why you hear authors talking about the 10 characteristics and attributes most successful people have in common. They get it.
The same is with love and developing relationships. Two people have to have something in common and beyond that, they have to have character that can endure to the long-term. As my grandmother would say, the roots have to go deep enough through the soil to touch to the point in the earth where they can absorb water so it can grow.

Spring and summer is a time of birthing. If you find that people are projecting their issues onto you, don’t carry the negativity. Embrace the positive energy and you’ll find that it will move you out of the way of those who may not have developed their life to the point of independence and unison in love. It’s a matter of growth, maturity and vision.  It’s the difference between maligning someone’s character and working on weak areas until they are strengthen. The latter reaps endurance and longevity; the former results in the need to acquire something of your own to hold on to so that you can understand legacy in the context of longevity. You may ask how legacy plays a role in the maturation of your life. Those who leave something for others to carry forward have great depth and wisdom. When the spirit of someone’s life helps others to cast a vision of their own or carry forward another, it is the result of having forge many, many, and many, relationships that result in the positive. 

Pinch yourself…. I really want you to pinch yourself.  Did you feel it, I did. That means you are part of the group that is currently breathing and taking in air. It also means, it’s time to get started on creating the desires of your life. I have 4 short-term goals of which two are part of my long-term. They carry over from one year to the next. And they help birth new ones. 

If you’re heading to college, a new place in life, or a journey to something great it’s a great idea to have a life map or vision board. Whether you are 18, mid-career or experienced it’s still a great time to start. Once you get accustomed to having something exciting to look forward to, then you know why we live life on purpose with purpose.

For those rough times, encourage yourself and others. If you’re married or have someone special to share your life with intimately, hold on to each other and make the night beautiful. That’s what I call turning dark times into something memorable. For those of us with summer plans who will be traveling, be safe and have the time of your life. 



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