Another Excerpt of To the Graduate... Online Graduation picture courtesy of TBKilman If you’re graduating high school and off to college the excitement of your new adventure that includes academics runs over like a glass too full. It’s a good thing and like most of us you’re eager to find out who your roommates are. The uniqueness of you will not only help you gravitate toward friends with similar interest but also set you apart. Fortunately for me I was the only girl with my name on campus. There were some similar but the spelling and pronunciation were different. I just had to be me. But if by chance you have a common name don’t worry- the uniqueness of you will come forth. Of course that’s not the exciting part, it’s the parties the meeting of new friends and finding a true blue and a sweet heart that is also part of the 4 year rendezvous (only its not a secret its so public you wear your schools T-shirt paraphernalia home). So you’re headed off with a chest of y...