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Another Excerpt of To The Graduate 2015

Another Excerpt of To the Graduate...
Online Graduation picture courtesy of TBKilman

If you’re graduating high school and off to college the excitement of your new adventure that includes academics runs over like a glass too full. It’s a good thing and like most of us you’re eager to find out who your roommates are. The uniqueness of you will not only help you gravitate toward friends with similar interest but also set you apart. Fortunately for me I was the only girl with my name on campus. There were some similar but the spelling and pronunciation were different. I just had to be me. But if by chance you have a common name don’t worry- the uniqueness of you will come forth. Of course that’s not the exciting part, it’s the parties the meeting of new friends and finding a true blue and a sweet heart that is also part of the 4 year rendezvous (only its not a secret its so public you wear your schools T-shirt paraphernalia home).  

So you’re headed off with a chest of your must have belongings, favorite sweater, jeans and boots among others. You have the number of your best pals from class, a few keepsakes so you don’t forget home, your favorite book and the memories of the past 4 years. Enjoy the time it goes by fast like a gigantic slide twisting, looping and turning and before you know it splash... you hit the water its spring break and 4 years later. You wonder where the time has gone…it’s called studying and burning the midnight oil. So much has happened and you’re about to walk across the stage of yet another commencement. It’s a different kind of expedience. But this time you have added additional long-time friendships to your list of those who keep good company. They were ambitious like you, crazy fun like you, sensitive and bold and eager to venture on a path that many take but not all finish. They traveled the road you did and when you look alongside of you, down the aisle, to your front and in back you smile because these dudes and chicks better be at the bachelor party, the wedding, the first baby shower of your newest set of experiences.
Online pic courtesy of ebaum
You reminisce about your alma mater’s song and signature school motto. You network and talk often and then as you advance in your careers the bulk of you see each other less but talk still; and you look back and say decades of friendship and laughter, enjoyment and fun with these guys. Was it a ball? Hell yeah. Do you remember what you were doing in the pictures? You bet. Are there any that can’t be shown and a few “we’ll never tell”…Absolutely! Like playing questions and taking throw backs at the hotel of one of the best-damn academic conference you’ve ever had. Laugh out loud. Aint no party like a hotel party cause a hotel parrrrte don't stoppppp. And ain't no remakes of this (yes, I said aint) even if you wish upon a star, you’re only 18-22 once in your life. Although some of my  and your friends might challenge and say I’m looking pretty good. High-Five if you still got that figure or that college swag; give me a girl “I aint mad” if you have a few extra curves and pounds but you still smiling and he’s still winking.

You know the unique you, the authentic you doesn’t leave it's still there. Now you just have to safe guard your life and possessions as you get older. Life does change a bit as we mature instead of a MWF or T, TH class most have a 9-5 but hoping for the new salaried job with flexible hours such as the 4:40 (4 days on with a day off including the weekend or whatever your rotation).  It all sounds familiar but when you’re the graduate it’s all new and a new experience.

Some may be saying I didn’t have that experience. I feel jilted and my youthful years are a bit tarnished with betrayal. Whewwww- that’s a major word and often not discussed in a piece like this. But TG Chemistry has a little experience in handling misfortune at the hands of those whom you love. If it’s a best pal sit down and talk about it and see if there is a mending road for you.

Of course if its family which does and can often happen, remember, you can’t pick who’s in your family as you do your friends. They are especially hand-picked by you and therefore require a different approach. But family is a different complexity that has to be navigated. It’s like the good son (, the good sister ( or whatever the drama . No one wants to be associated with the member who befriends the person who wants your life, your success, or wants to hurt you. So in cases like that, you let them go and maintain some boundaries. It’s a deeper conversation for the graduate but it happens. TG Chemistry knows there is a graduate in their seat with this experience saying I didn’t know that I would make it and therefore graduation is that much more special. It’s easy to get lost in the tradition of success but what about unconventional, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, I worked my ass off and grinded out this personal victory and if by chance one person can understand that my tears of success is different I’m a bit more appreciative as I listen to the commencement address. TG Chemistry hears you. We’ve watched the news and had one too many telecommunications device stolen and therefore we understand that misfortune is common but not the tradition you want the arc of your life to rotate around.

Therefore, those of you who have had a mountain to climb and you’ve reached the top of this personal and professional mountain peak and have attained a precious scroll of paper or diploma in hand we commend you. We applaud and salute you and we cry with you. We know that your strength and determination comes out of adversity like no other. Wow, now that we’ve said that , pinch yourself because it is real and then party for a day or two and enjoy the moment like everyone else.

So what’s next, persistent pursuit and strategic plans for a life dreamed of that positions you and your family for your definition of the other side of better.

Take a breath, exhale, relax or vacate and enjoy the special timing of it all as you prepare for the next adventure…



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