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August 1, 2016

To myself, students, and life learners who understand the value of education, knowledge and wisdom. Getting to graduation feels like a voyage with topsy turvy winds. You finally get the hang of it and realize wow I made it –destination arrived. The last day of your final class come and gone or in the fast approaching and the walk across the once elusive stage is near; it’s actually within reach closer than it’s ever been. The day to change the tassel on your graduation cap to the left has arrived.
The last door to the academic building you spent the most time in closes behind you. It was designed with lecture rooms and they happened to house many of your secret dreams over the last 4-5 years. And the sometimes sun shadowed hallways lead the way to several doors that will take you to success and journeys which lead to accomplishments. 
photo courtesy of the internet

The Commencements both an end and beginning to the possibilities of what hard-work, dedication, creativity and innovation can produce. The work you took on and take ownership of with hopes of a brighter future opening the curtain to a life you’re proud to claim that will leave you satisfied more often than not. A life that will produce thirst because your purpose demands more of you- not because the walk across campus to class pulled on your stamina and you took a divergent path-no, you thirst because you pressed through with laughter, sometimes with tears, but hopefully with joy with those who shared the same desire for getting to the other side of better as you did. Whew you’ll catch hold of that in a minute. As a graduate you become candid after a while because if you are like me you’ve learned that to thirst for more because I’m pursuing purpose or I’m flourishing is totally different from being thirsty because you feel totally dehydrated-you lost what was true for you, what you were passionate about.  My hope is that you always find delight in the journey of your profession because you thirst continually as there’s a demand on your purpose and it has made more sunny days and comfortable living throughout the years.

I’d be wrong if I didn’t acknowledge that an auditorium filled with graduates who are about to cross to the other side of “I made it to the finish line”, is electrifying, because realized potential activates hidden wealth on the inside of everyone who dared to finish what they started. I’d also be wrong if I didn’t tell you to remember that type of kinetic energy because it is a guiding point that can tell you if you get off course. Whenever fitting or the opportunity presents itself, I teach that an unkempt heart has been in the wrong environment for far too long. What’s the wrong environment? The place that leaves you saying something isn’t right, I need a change, I’m not progressing as I should; or perhaps you are saying I need to evaluate the average sum of my life, I feel something was lost, stolen or taken from me. You might just be right. You may have to check, is this challenge likened to growth of grass, which was relentless in spite of; Or do I need to re-pot and change the soil?

photo courtesy of internet
Some of my favorite spices are oregano, cilantro and parsley. Oregano grows beautifully even if not well planted, cilantro will too. However, parsley needs a great deal more care. So what am I saying? Growth is an indicator as well as happiness. They both need to be measured throughout life. Sometimes others –your peers are more deliberate in their goals, some are more decisive. Sometimes you’re more sure-footed and determined; whatever the outcome, know that throughout your life you have to take assessment and make assessments about the place you are in. Am I in a good place, what am I trying to achieve and am I in position for those goals. What is my strategy, 6month-12month goal? Of course, I don’t want to leave out the dandelion group of people, the ones who say I just let things happen for me. Have you ever noticed that you never hear about people planting dandelions they just grow so yellow and pretty? They grow with the weeds, with beautiful grass, they just grow. They are automatic seed planters. They bloom and then become the wonderful white cotton ball that you blow; the wind blows all across the earth. They just sort of go with the wind but they are not aimless and they do require the light and heat of the sun. The point I’m making is that we’re not the same so don’t try to be because living in purpose and on purpose has valuable benefits. Don’t try and be what you are not. Tulips and roses say I require a little more planning. There’s no right or wrong way to creating a life worth living if you are happy; and good, bad or indifferent, you are where you want to be.  Many can attest that having some goals to reflect on, go back to, aids you in the transitions throughout life.

I don’t think any encouragement would be complete without saying “be you” and not someone else.  Did you notice, I mentioned that in some form or another about 4 times. It’s redundant but needed. We live in a cookie cutter society it seems. We all want to be “trending” but to be trendy is to be different. There’s a lot of controversy over the fake it till you make it. But actually there is no controversy at all. To live as if you are successful when you are dealing with adversity and to be steadfast in who you are is not the point of conflict. That kind of fortitude lifts your spirits like wind uplifts the sails of a sailboat. It’s only when you fake everything about who you are and you can’t take claim of your life that a conflict exists. The conflict leads you to trying to derail the good in someone else’s life.  Its the difference between copyrighting the story of your life versus trying to copyright the story of someone else’s life as your own. It’s fraudulent. So do as you did when you started the journey, take a step back and see what adjustments need to be made and learn to enjoy you and what you love all over again. Embrace who loves you too. 

photo courtesy of internet
Oh yes, that is important too. To share your challenges and success in your career with a special someone is so rewarding. Of course like anything it’s the right pick, the right love that is endearing and enduring but admit to yourself when you want that “one chance in a life time love”. Just like you believed for graduation day to come, for that promotion you are free to believe for love as well. Why would I even dare to mention such a topic “to the graduate”? Sometimes you have to know when that is the missing component in your life waiting in the wings to make hard days easier. Success, love and the need for a work-life balance is part of the 21st Centrury career landscape as it was in past. Perhaps you are single, there’s no pressure and much success can be obtained while single as well. The point is that as a graduate you will have career goals as a single or as one with a family. The life you desire must be a guiding factor to see those goals achieved. It may lead you back to school after some time, if may lead you to go abroad, it may lead you to start a family by a certain year but the force of love, motivation and desires for a quality of life that you desire will guide you in several ways.

Stay hydrated with a thirst and zest for life! Stay anticipating the best for yourself. Make growth both professionally and personally a goal and don’t forget to welcome love and sunshine in the morning.


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