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Showing posts from June, 2011
Sometimes you can pretend so much that the chaos you cause is the result of your unwillingness to try and forge real solutions. If lack of communication is the father of all misunderstanding, then pretense is the accomplice to frustration .~ Thoughts on warning signs of when immediate solutions are needed .


Today in my reading I learned that the root word of courage is Latin, "Cor"  meaning heart. I'm not surprised because anything that takes a great amount of strength to endure, endeavor, and achieve it takes heart. It takes a reasoning within that says you can do it. Your heart keeps you strong and inspired. as stated last week I wanted to do something a little different. And I will do a few feature pieces this week with the central theme around the 4th of July. Of course they will be from an historical point because I think in the 21st century there are certain things we should have already advanced towards.

Early Morning Thought

Ever realized that you aren't taking your own advice, well this morning it hit me that I wasn’t. So today, I decided to do something different and break up the monotony of doing things the same ole way. When you love someone you give them what they need and if you love yourself you'll do the same thing too. I've been talking about needed to draw on different energy yet I was still doing the same routine. Then I realized, sometimes you have to step out and explore and discover something different. If you can do it with friends all the better. But by all means do something different. Change something different today. Everyone wants to be appreciated and thought of enough by others but what about doing this for you. It's always good to expand your boundaries. To limit yourself is to have limited and limiting experiences. One's quality of life is an extension of what you are connected to.
Especially with family, when you know that something is the truth don't give an inch...this is where you put aside all insignificant commentary and discussion and determine if a relationship is to be had, the truth must be told. This must be the line of demarcation of relationship or nothing at all.
I don't like being put in the position of having to unnecessarily second guess the intentions of someone because of what someone else has done . ~ Thoughts on the things I dislike most of having to deal with the issues of others.

Love and Listening...

So I'm listening to a TV show the kids are watching and they are talking about relationships. Listening without looking really emphasizes your hearing. I hear the young girl lament "tell him you love him". I thought, one should always be at ease in discussing personal matters of the heart with the one they love. That is the place that intimacy is built between two people. The place of truth. Furthermore, relationships are not a free for all that everyone has a say. That is counterproductive to establishing a bond that is meant for two people. I've said it before that couples have to learn to maintain their connectedness and as an extension of their love learn to include and honor the people that they love.
It's important to have a good sense of self and a conversation to go along with it. Besides one-way, one-sided conversations never benefitted anybody. ~ Thoughts on maintaing agreeable relationships besides why hide your true self. Leave no room for pretending .

Absurd thinking

I think you have to stop people from trying to think for you less they waste your time and possibly commit a crime. I'm being facetious when I say the latter but perhaps not by means of inaccurate truth but rather as a strong provocative that we have to be mindful of how we handle one another and why we interact with each other acknowledging the possibility but yet being hopeful that people would not go to such extremes. So what prompts my pre-evening analytics? Well I have a philosophy that anytime a friend I haven't spoken to in a moment comes to mind, there's a reason and it could be that hey you need to check on someone who is important in your life. That's easy enough right? Well the pondering of the matter exists because I had a conversation with a family member, my aunt who said, that I just completely stopped talking with a friend. They said it with such a knowingness, that I thought, how absurd! Not to mention they were not even clear on the facts. But that...
Too few words, conversations a blur or perhaps insignificant, loss of precious ti me . ~ Thoughts on when you lose time you lose moments to create something meaningful and this my dear is not the same as purposely getting lost in time. The latter has benefits.
When you are realigning yourself you have to be specific in your actions towarding changing your outlook .~ Thoughts on getting to that smooth alignment when life seems just a bit too jagged.
Often times fathers are misunderstood and for those who have been given the role they can attest it is not easy. But many of them would not trade it for the world. And so on today this 3rd Sunday in June 2011 I honor you. A Father’s Love Characteristics of the heart of a father A Father’s Love Will go to the end of the earth Save at all cost Protect Fiercely ……. And Love tenderly Even when it’s difficult Through hard times Times of misunderstanding In times of crisis Still demanding that which leads To a safe landing ………. He will love in spite of Your limited perspective Adjusted view Rationales of how you thought He should love you ……..just to reveal the greater love The love that it takes To endure blind eyes And your deep hurt The kind that keeps pushing When everyone feels hurt ……to prove that love conquers all When life has threatened Everything you know Missing facts that lead To many different roads But thank God Every fork in the road has a     ...
Today is one of those moments of noisy quiet and I think I'll enjoy it just a bit longer before I'm on to the next thing. ~thoughts on learning to appreciate special moments.
All too often we see, hear, and read about men who are the culprits behind such darkness and ugliness the world has known. And sadly so much of it is true.  So it's refreshing to know that the entire world is not that way. If you've ever received a father’s love which has turned into an invaluable experience of warmth and closeness than thank them. Why (not that you needed a reason)? A father's love can be one of the most nurturing experiences a girl ever has. It is reassuring and provides security that translates to confidence in later years because she does not have to seek the self-destructive approval of others. His love can literally be the wind beneath her wings. He has carefully guided through misunderstandings, expectations and disappointments gone awry, to speak the love that needed to heard. It is this type of love that makes her soft, sure-footed and steadfast.  ~early thoughts on the importance of fathers as we begin to honor them on Fath...
"Nobody loves you better because you have used yourself up for them." Gloria Feldt You know I think this quote is absolutely Awesome!!!!! I happened upon it unintentionally as I was doing some early morning reading. What a pleasant surprise. Not that any woman (or man for that matter) intends to use themselves up for anyone per se but perhaps it happens in a sense. Earlier this week I expressed that I felt I wasn't getting what I needed in terms of energy from my immediate surroundings and relationships. Finding this today felt like a little whisper that said, when you begin to feel like you're being depleted this is what you are getting very close to. Reading this today was my confirmation you know, a providential answer of sorts and a rebuke to the notion that you continue on without being replenished .
What should one make of a matter, when a friend doesn't want to share the things that were clearly inspired by you but continually they come back and sup for more? One might discern they don't want you to get the benefits of your own life or at least conclude that they have taken the relationship for granted. Now I know why I took note when I heard this statement: "I've learned a lot about you and your friends ~ thoughts on it's unfortunate that all this time I thought they were my friend- it's time to make some most needed adjustments, you think?
When someone insists on pretending that you have agreed to something you haven't it's time to help their thinking toward more rational lines and truths ~   thoughts on being included in somone else's agenda without the benefit of knowing... uhhh clearly I missed something
If you profess to love someone and you haven't stopped to talk about important matters at all. You are beyond misplaced priorities you are displaying signs that something is seriously wrong and in need of repair.~ Love is not silent when a voice needs to be heard
Shallow living is less about status and impressions as it is about the manner in which you are connected to a life source. If you are not getting what you need you have to check what is sustaining you, know when to say enough and when to mean it.That is a preservation tool that one must be emotionally equipped with.~ afternoon thoughts
I would suppose some feel Sunday is a conclusion to the long week and others feel it is the beginning of the week, either way it is a good day to put all matters of prior days into perspective and reflection. This week has been especially weighty if you will. By that I mean, personal matters that weigh on your heart. And when I find that there's a lot of chatter (human emotions abounding from a trying week) I know myself all too well and it's time to get by myself and be quiet. Not to mention that when you know you are trying to direct your life in positive directions, quiet and spiritual renewal is the compass that anchors your thoughts, and emotions toward being centered. And so, this early morning, while it is the time between dark and light, I seek to carve out tranquil moments just for me to hear from God. Life can get so crazy and chaotic that you have to silence the noise and hear nothing other than the normal sounds of air that come when you ar...
In normal and ordinary situations, it is unwise to base your actions and decisions off another in the absence of communication. Likewise discuss the exceptions. Unexpressed expectations and lack of communication is the father of all misunderstanding~ Thoughts on the importance of communication
Direct communication should be the foundation of any solid relationship. Use of Pantomime and body language should be secondary~ Thoughts establishing sound relationships

Thought For The Day

The wonderful thing about relationships is that each person is the spokesperson or should be. If ever you encounter a situation where people feel the need to speak for you and yet you don't feel the joy, relief, release, or comfort that comes in being in that place, that's probably a sign that someone is speaking for you not out of your own good but out of theres and possibly at your expense. True friendships bring satisfaction that is the laughter in which you say let's meet again.
When trying to connect or reconnect with people initiating a conversation, " saying hello ", and connecting with the person on a personal level is really one of the best approaches.~thoughts on relationships
Morning Thoughts~ It's one thing to have an illusion that is all your own. It's another thing to have that affect the reality and truth you know. Therefore be careful of those who would rather not address the truth but rather create an illusion. The magician act is for entertainment. But love in relationships is always based on tangible truth.
The first day of summer is fast approaching. As I was driving around I saw the flowers blooming, many of which were here in summer's past but they still manage to come back every year. As I looked at them, I thought how flowers blooming reminds me of life. Most appreciate a beautiful flower. We look for them in the Spring and Summer and they honor us with their presence everytime they bloom above the earth's surface. It is along those lines that I realize, when we live the life we've been given to the fullest we honor our purpose. It benefits no one, if we don't make the most of our lives. So today, purpose in yourself to make the best of life, not at anyone else's expense, but with the efforts of knowing that you are worthy of cultivating a life of happiness . ~ Thoughts on flowers in Springtime and Life
Sometimes you just have to stoppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp...............pause...................and be real with yourself. Get in a new environment and get re-focused.~ Thoughts on taking a break and getting new inspiration.

Thought For The Day

A woman loves because it’s in her to love. That’s the most genuine way. Which is why submission has never been about being powerless or giving up control of your life, using marriage as an example; rather it is more about the spirit and behavior, and yes sacrifice with which you honor the person whom you love. For the woman’s womb must still be strong enough to hold greatness, bring forth life, birth dreams and yet still have the power to raise some of the greatest, most astonishing, and powerful people that ever impacted the human experience. And even, in absence of childbirth the woman is still held responsible by the almighty one to create and use the life to which she has been given to innovate, it is the very reason why the surrogate has as much maternal instinct as the biological. It is through looking at women that we realize the sovereignty, mastermind, and total expression of who the almighty creator really is. It is through that understanding that she is really able to serve ...
Don't lack confidence to the degree that deception is your only success. Rather build up your confidence by taking small short steps that allow you to develop who you are and realize your potential . ~Early morning thoughts for the graduate
When a woman loses sight of who she is...she can be easily lead astray and is constantly fighting trying to prove the wrong thing. Look inward, upward and outward as you ask yourself the reflective questions of your purpose and the grace to become that will not only give you peace but comfort to be all that you can be.~ words of wisdom to women and advice to the 2011 graduates