Today in my reading I learned that the root word of courage is Latin, "Cor" meaning heart. I'm not surprised because anything that takes a great amount of strength to endure, endeavor, and achieve it takes heart. It takes a reasoning within that says you can do it. Your heart keeps you strong and inspired. as stated last week I wanted to do something a little different. And I will do a few feature pieces this week with the central theme around the 4th of July. Of course they will be from an historical point because I think in the 21st century there are certain things we should have already advanced towards.
As I stated yesterday I went for a walk and enjoyable it was. It was windy and I loved it. 70 degrees and a breeze didn't make for a bad time outdoors at all. Needless to say it brought yesterday's earlier agitation (read totally perturbed) to a simmer and provided an interesting perspective. I relished the blowing air and thought about my time in college. It was great and I got through it with out too much drama or incident (with the exception of a few memorables, which is for another day another post). That being said, I didn't drink, smoke or experiment with drugs. I don't say that as some type of badge of honor because that's not the case at all. But it was apparent, that somewhere along the way I truly believed what my grandparents told me growing up about character, honor, and integrity. However, the older I get I've grown wary or maybe even cynical at what maybe appears to be watered-down standards we've immersed ourselves in society. Notice I say ...
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