I think you have to stop people from trying to think for you less they waste your time and possibly commit a crime. I'm being facetious when I say the latter but perhaps not by means of inaccurate truth but rather as a strong provocative that we have to be mindful of how we handle one another and why we interact with each other acknowledging the possibility but yet being hopeful that people would not go to such extremes. So what prompts my pre-evening analytics?
Well I have a philosophy that anytime a friend I haven't spoken to in a moment comes to mind, there's a reason and it could be that hey you need to check on someone who is important in your life. That's easy enough right? Well the pondering of the matter exists because I had a conversation with a family member, my aunt who said, that I just completely stopped talking with a friend. They said it with such a knowingness, that I thought, how absurd! Not to mention they were not even clear on the facts. But that's beside the point. What's significant here is the idea, that one, I, (or anybody) would just stop talking for the sake of just forgetting a friend. It seems so irrational. And it occurred to me that you are friends on purpose, and that just doesn't stop unless as I said, an extreme transgression is committed against the person in the relationship and it injures the spirit of what the friendship stood for and is about. The conversation emphasizes that you do things on purpose when you express love to one another and people you care about and you let them know that you are doing it. Sometimes it can be something so simple but yet so personal that means the most.
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