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Showing posts from 2014

Carol of The Bells & Happy Holidays!

 Seasons Greetings & Happy Holidays!!!! We've concluded the Thanksgiving Holiday and now we're on to Christmas headed into the New Year.We love the Christmas Season and hope that you are surrounded by loved ones in a spirit of joy, faith and love. This musical piece we wanted to share is sure to add a pep to your step and delight your spirits in staccato merriment. It is a picker upper for sure and never fails at cheering us up. We hope the same for you as you listen. Enjoy!!!! Check back with us as we count down to December 25th. We'll be adding post throughout the month.

Maintaining a Position of Success

I read the following article by ( by L. Kolowich and thought it was interesting.  The reason may be of interest to you. Being promotional and/or promotable are positive terms. L. Kolowich gave you keys and tips that are familiar to many of us. But what happens if advancement or success is not imbedded in the culture of your work environment? What do you do? Most have never thought about that. In past we used the terms "being groomed for success", "fast track to success", and "climbing the corporate ladder".  The question is what does that look like today for you? Well it varies doesn't. Every industry, business, and organization is different. Did you know that most "kick-ass' companies those who position for growth, profit success usually have a model of that for employees and those employees become part of a culture. Well, what happens if yours is different. Then what. That's why I l...

Are you the positive energy to someone else's soul

I was having a conversation with a family member and talking about the young people and young adults in the family-discussing confidence and self-esteem. Half way through this sorted conversation I thought, energy is transferable and arguably from being to being. Perhaps the negative we see is what has been picked up in the presence of the one closest to them. Hmmmm... it's something to ponder. When your child or love one takes a divergent path, less polished then we'd like or want for them check and see if you or someone around you has taken a divergent path of their own. It may be reflective in the youngest of souls most susceptible to transferable energy. I've learned to check my success barometer (day to day and long-term) and see if at the hem and arches of these desires a torque positive landscape(human nature) by far leads the way.

Why Aligning Agenda's with the CFO Bodes Well for Marketing & Communication

Good food for thought. It depends on the structure of the organization but, typically, these budgets are established among departments and communicated through each division’s key personnel once they’ve been established by directors.  IMFC Meeting 2012 courtesy of  sharing The larger the company the more stress it is for the CFO. Smaller companies tend to rely on their CFO in that way. However, trust they are thankful when they have a peer of directors to assist in setting the budget. Distribution of management is key because employee capital and retention are important. The greater the  company size the more you have to look at management’s threshold to maintain. That said, if you are the marketing manager much to your chagrin, the thought of having to do more with less can be stressful without a rapport. That’s the downside. The good side is that innovation can develop and thrive. 

On The Eve of Graduation

Like always spring is a great time of year. Success, achievement, love, purpose, new beginnings and fresh blooms creates a contagious spirit of excitement in the air. Look around at the newness and smell fresh bloomed flowers once hidden by the frost and hard ground. They've managed to press through the cold, damp layers of dirt and does to be revealed above ground. I love it. Well life, challenges and our own personal pursuits are much like the growth of that newly bloomed flower. We'll share a full article to the graduate but I just wanted to share a sneak preview of some important things to keep close to your heart as you pursue life and dreams with steadfastness. Okay, here goes pop ups of 4 quick terms Integrity Trust Genuineness Communication Coming from someone who was voted most sociable it's important to have a rapport. Here's the other key be honest and genuine, it builds lasting relationships years down the road. Of course Integrity is not just about ...

~Old sayings that have a little wisdom

Growing up I use to hear a term about "being on the side of right". We laughed a lot when we were younger as older people used the term. However, as I crossed the line to adulthood I understood more and more. As parents you have to help your children stay rightly aligned toward being productive members in society. While I'm not a big fan of a lot of unexplained nonsense and craziness I've come to value things my elders have said through the years. ~Tidbits of wisdom that help a whole lot when you get older.

Projecting on the wrong object: A school kid struggling

  Fig. 1: Boys and Girls Learn Differently Typically, I write a message for kids at the beginning of the school year and during commencements However today I was confronted with an unusual conversation that I didn't inquire about. The conversation took an interesting turn and I realized the importance of being up to the task to defend, advocate and discipline your child with being a productive citizen, their best interest, and life's dreams (at least at this point) in mind. It can be a daunting task and overwhelming at times. But take a moment, step back and consider this, if managing a life four decades my junior is difficult how difficult is it for that little person (in comparison to the adult) to maintain and manage not being equipped with your same level of wisdom. Just imagine for a moment. Then think why does a mother bird feed her chicks while they are young and still in the nest? Simply put, she hasn't weaned them and they don't know how to fly yet...

Shout out to Mentoring. Just a quick post here. If you've ever mentored bright, up and coming stars or even those facing challenges it is not only a pleasure but a privilege to pour out into someone else. You know the glass half full... You get to be part of a fountain of springs that fill to the rim. This service doesnt leave you tired or depleted but gives you new insights. In many ways you become the Vanguard of wisdom that allows you to walk away wanting more for yourself as well and brimming with ideas for those seeking knowledge. Mentoring develops a winners spirit. You want to help advance or exploit potential. What mentoring has done for me is to share time and moments with others. Theres something positive to be said about having something to share. Its the positive that hopefully shines in you.

Don't Renege on The Opportunity To Thank Someone If They've Made Implemental Positive Contributions to Your Organization

Happy New Year everyone!!!! Wow 2013 was full of surprises some good and some not so good. That being said it seemed like the year moved so quickly. I was down to the final week of the year getting set goals accomplished... whew!!!! Some of them seemed trivial but was great in getting 2014 started on the right track. I have some goals in 2014 that I will build off of from completed or started objectives in 2013. 2014 is the year of overhaul. A year of review, adjustments and actionable measures and steps toward areas of needed improvement and on to the finish line with great momentum (hopefully with more things accomplished than anticipated) As I was reviewing guess what I learned? If you are hard on yourself others will take it as a sign not to honor you properly. Being vigilant about set goals can make others look past your contributions and magnify areas that perhaps have not been as significant as the contributions you've made. Here's the example, let's say you do...