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Showing posts from March, 2014

~Old sayings that have a little wisdom

Growing up I use to hear a term about "being on the side of right". We laughed a lot when we were younger as older people used the term. However, as I crossed the line to adulthood I understood more and more. As parents you have to help your children stay rightly aligned toward being productive members in society. While I'm not a big fan of a lot of unexplained nonsense and craziness I've come to value things my elders have said through the years. ~Tidbits of wisdom that help a whole lot when you get older.

Projecting on the wrong object: A school kid struggling

  Fig. 1: Boys and Girls Learn Differently Typically, I write a message for kids at the beginning of the school year and during commencements However today I was confronted with an unusual conversation that I didn't inquire about. The conversation took an interesting turn and I realized the importance of being up to the task to defend, advocate and discipline your child with being a productive citizen, their best interest, and life's dreams (at least at this point) in mind. It can be a daunting task and overwhelming at times. But take a moment, step back and consider this, if managing a life four decades my junior is difficult how difficult is it for that little person (in comparison to the adult) to maintain and manage not being equipped with your same level of wisdom. Just imagine for a moment. Then think why does a mother bird feed her chicks while they are young and still in the nest? Simply put, she hasn't weaned them and they don't know how to fly yet...