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Showing posts from 2010

I can't believe It

I'm having jitters about sharing some of my first works in writing with you. They're older but they still have a special place in my life. I can't believe how I feel.  Tonight may prove to be interesting after all.

Words of Wisdom

If you love someone or want to love them, don't let a moment slip by without sharing how special that person is to you. Take a risk, give a card, send a letter or email, but surprise them, you just might might have the words they needed to hear. It's time to laugh more, love more and be more to each other.

Movie Watch

Keep the reel running. Just kidding kinda. Actually I say that because I was not a big TV person(literally). It was not uncommon for several weeks to go by with out me turning it on. But I've probably watched more TV this year than I have ever. That being said, I've learned a few things. TV has given me a different perspective on life. Not entirely but enough to learn something. Of course some of the greatest fun I've had is identifying what I like and don't like about the films and why. Some lessons learned have come out of the most unsuspecting shows. Here's something interesting to do, think about the movies and TV shows you've seen this year and think about how they have made you ponder during the 1st decade of the 21st Century. Here's one of the realizations I've discovered in 2010. People can be reckless with the lives of others. And after having learned that, here's the reality check I got in my own life- those who are reckless in their ca...

Thought For The Day

"Life is not about the destination but about the journey (quote from Movie Step Up 3) Towards the end of the movie one of the main characters Moose makes this statement. It resonated with my spirit because I believe that life is about both. The journey and the destination but, I totally understood the point he was making. So go on a little journey with me tonight as I share my thoughts and insights with you throughout the evening well unto the New Year. Also keep checking back with me. As we near the count down I am bringing a poem out of retirement that I wrote years ago. I don't know for how long but I think it's fitting as I look over 2010 and with anticipation as we head into 2011.

Thought For The Day

A few months ago, I was out and about and I overheard someone talking about how crazy things have gotten. I'm the first to agree with you on that. In fact if you've watched TV ever- there's enough going on in the world to make you question A lot of things about yourself and life. But if I may, let me say this- life is very colorful. It is full of diversity. I understand that things can be so negative that we don't see the beauty all around us or worse we take innocent things and make them negative. As you go into the New Year remember to free yourself of fear, lies, and deception. Life demands that we stretch out and live with purpose.

After Christmas Practical Suggestion

I'm really not an expert in this area but, after going over a few records for a family member, I quickly understand the importance of not just tossing your bank statements around and not viewing them. I saw where they were paying for subscriptions almost three times the normal amount. Having said that, many of you will get those bank statements detailing all the great gifts you have given. But you may want to double check them.  Make sure you haven't been billed twice for the same thing or billed for something you didn't purchase at all. With theft at an all time high, it's not unlikely for this to happen. Remember to keep tabs of your records. Lately I've been taking note of information regarding fraud and identity theft and it seems that the holiday season is a peak time for these unfortunate situations to take place. And familiarizing yourself with what steps to take (hopefully this won't happen) can ease the burden of a  di...

O Holy Night

O Holy Night is one of my favorite Christmas songs. So much so I can listen to it several times in a row. But this Christmas  I was listening to the words as usual so I thought but the 3rd verse caught my attention. I begin to think of the myriad of reasons that Christmas is special including the birth of Christ and what this night stood for. It is with that understanding that fellowshipping and breaking bread with my family was all the more special. We gather together to honor life, love and living. To honor what each of our presence means to one another. So many things in life will try and interfere in the time you have with family, everything from health to finances and that in between. But for those who made it to this Christmas nothing stopped our fun. I realized that my mom and her sisters are getting older but often times I forget because their youthful spirit can not be quenched. And for that I love them. For those who wanted to come but couldn't make ...

The Day After Christmas

Christmas day was great. I didn't go to bed until the wee hours again and needless to say I was wrapping gifts at 4:30 that morning as the children rose ready to open their presents. It probably would be useless to most to continue wrapping when everyone would open them minutes after but I did so anyway. I like to do it and wrapping gifts is as much a part of the Christmas festivities as decorating the tree. And just as Christmas day was fun so was the day after.  We followed up Christmas dinner with a fish fry and a game of spades. It was great and me and my partner won the game. We had  great time laughing and kidding with each other. We listened to music and sang along. Nothing like those oldies but goodies. We all took part from the oldest to the youngest adding our voices to the music. To outsiders it may have seemed like no big deal but to me it was as much a part of loving each others as was the gift giving. I sat back and thought that's what ...

Preparing For Christmas Eve

I'm writing this email half asleep or very tired at best. It was an all nighter that lasted until 6:30am this morning. I'm not complaining though, yesterday was a great day. We watched a good Christmas program, had fun laughing with the family, baked sugar cookies (they were good-shout out to my sister) and laughed well into the early morning as we talked about what was on the menu for Christmas Eve and Christmas. I'm excited because family is coming and we're planning for a good time together. And as always in every moment of intimacy there is something to be shared and learned. I realize that we talk about times past because it is part of our history and it is precious memories where in most cases we've learned to laugh and love in chaos. So while being fully present in this moment my subconscious thinking was very active. I realized what I admired about women in familes and even in my family. A sense of being able to be and not to be if there is such a thing....

Christmas Shopping

I was out in the stores and had such a great time. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the music, lights, and just the overall spirit of the season. It really is a joyous occasion. And get this, not just because you get gifts. I figured to be honest with myself I should at least determine what I like about Christmas outside of the gifts? And so I did just that. For so long I thought it was the music and all the other great things that make Christmas what it is but I realized I associate love with Christmas. Some may say well that's a no brainer. But it wasn't for me. In fact I was shocked to realize that more so than valentines day, Christmas ranks at the top of my list for love, kindness, goodwill toward man, and yes falling in love (woooo).  So what does that have to do with shopping. Well I went to the stores this weekend and I had so much fun. Fun looking at gifts and Christmas decorations. I can't wait to decorate. It's going to be a team effort and fr...

Thoughts of Christmas

Thought of Christmas A quiet time alone to meditate on the holiday season. When your thoughts are simple and pure as the snowfall. No fuss or contention just a moment to quiet your mind and ponder the beauty of the season. I watched something today that caught my attention. It made me think about forerunners and trailblazers who were the first of their kind. Like the snow flowers first break thru at spring before any other of flora could bloom. Of all the firsts that took place my mind traveled back to a place that in its own way held its importance in all seasons even at Christmas time. I thought about the brightest shining light in the sky, that for women, especially my people, people of color, held a historical ubiquity that has stood the ages of time. It’s twinkle led to freedom and even provided direction to the manger. I thought in amazement how different periods of time, centuries apart, and can still group people together with like significance. For me as the door opened and...

Happy Thanksgiving

In this sometimes crazy and cold world with a mixed bag of complexities, I embrace the spirit of good will toward men and gladly release Thanksgiving in the atmosphere. Both, are a welcomed exchange of current energy to be tendered by one another. These I see as an extension and accessory of both hope and joy. Happy Thanksgiving!!! I wish everyone a great time with family, friends, and loved ones. ~T.G~