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Preparing For Christmas Eve

I'm writing this email half asleep or very tired at best. It was an all nighter that lasted until 6:30am this morning. I'm not complaining though, yesterday was a great day. We watched a good Christmas program, had fun laughing with the family, baked sugar cookies (they were good-shout out to my sister) and laughed well into the early morning as we talked about what was on the menu for Christmas Eve and Christmas.

I'm excited because family is coming and we're planning for a good time together. And as always in every moment of intimacy there is something to be shared and learned. I realize that we talk about times past because it is part of our history and it is precious memories where in most cases we've learned to laugh and love in chaos.

So while being fully present in this moment my subconscious thinking was very active. I realized what I admired about women in familes and even in my family. A sense of being able to be and not to be if there is such a thing. In a very positive way it was a sense of duality of sorts. You know strong love but compassion. The truth mixed with laughter.  And yesterday I embraced the laughter of the day with a different understanding of what it takes to laugh during difficult times.

And with that, I want to give a shout out to all the women who hold their family together. The women who have given decades of their life to their family. They may have gained or lost a few pounds, move a little slower and their frank and matter of fact ways can be cutting at times. However, you've learned to look over those ways because you know their hearts have been with their family.  You look back in appreciation at the joy that they've brought to your life over the years and find yourself thanking them for having lived with so much joy. Of course, in families with a lot of women there's never a dull moment, but looking beyond that you're thankful for the many good times together. Here's a shout out to women who live inspite of, in the midst of and because of. You are authentic and you can not be replaced.

Dual Status
(Living within and throughout the moments of life)

It's like being bilingual
Even like riding your bicycle
You pedal with both feet
You balance with both hands
You can function in different worlds
When put in a box
You remember square pegs don't fit in round circles
You find a still bring the full expression
of yourself to life
At times you feel stifled, a weight to suppress growth
You thank God that your mind is like a ventriliquist
Able to speak with out talking
Creating internal and external imprints of life
You hear the voices of great women saying
Life my dear is meant to be lived
You smile and realize
That's what the laughter all those years was about.


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