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Showing posts from July, 2011
Sometimes an explanation is the thing that is most needed above anything that you could give. Clairty in understanding is what crystal is to clear. ~thoughts on why communication is important in families and relationships
Sometimes you have to have the confidence in who you are and the reasons why you should be ambitious. Those of us who went to college know the cost of the investment. ~ thoughts on practical reasons to help you stay motivated.
Do you want someone meddling in your affairs? Of course not if it's of a personal nature. Although I don't wave off concern, I will say if your snooping causes problems for me than I'm soooo not agreeable to it. But there may be upside to this in business. Perhaps meddling has a new definition and the benefits could be greater. Who would resist that? No one- I know right. So I betcha want me to get on with the point. Okay Most mornings/afternoons I get up and try and read or view something pertaining to my career and interests as well as something inspiring. I think when you start your day off well the whole day goes better or at least has a better chance of doing so. Well today, I was reading an article that said mentoring is outdated but meddling is in!!!! I'm not sure what to make of it. They used it as an interesting alternative to mentoring which was to essentially acquaint yourself with exploring diverse interest and making a connection with those who you...
Create space to let open, positive and direct energy come into your life and let this be the barrier that helps to maintain the vibrations of happiness in your life.~Thoughts on keeping negative energy out.

Hi There

Often times you get use to blogging and it's important to remember that your readership could change as you may have new people visiting your site. With that I just wanted to take time to say Hello and welcome. Don't be afraid, leave a comment or two and thanks for visiting.
Sometimes people,places and things hold a special place in your heart. The sight or mention of them brings back that memory and you can find yourself deep in thought with emotions ranging from happiness and even a bit of melancholy.
Sometimes you have to see if things are as they seem. I'm told that a lot of noise and talking isn't a big deal. It's not a bother and to tune it out. So I decided to test it out and see if it were true. Well I conducted my own noise test and guess what, it wasn't received so well. Noise is a big deal- of course there's always a time and a place for it. However, when done at inappropriate times it can really cause a disturbance. The lesson here is that noise itself isn't selective but as people, we are and we have to be courteous of others. !early morning thoughts

Creating New Space and Energy

Some days are more challenging than others. I find that when that happens perhaps it's time to break the monotony of how you've been doing things and do something different. Create a new kind of energy. It doesn't have to be major it could something as simple or drinking tea on the patio because you've not sat out there in a while, it could be going to a different restaurant, or buying a different genre of music, watching a show that you normally wouldn't. The idea is that sometimes doing something a little bit different can create something new for your mind to enjoy by elongating your sphere of exposure and recognition. Hmmmm, I think I'll try that today myself. I'll let you know how it goes!!!
One should always refrain from making decisions for others who are capable of doing so themselves. Together in accord is where you will find the place where agreement and boundaries lie.~ thoughts on being in sync in your relationship
Young people can be very impressionable. They hang on the words of others and they are yes, sometimes followers. But if you cause them to believe in the wrong thing that for all principle purposes sounds like the truth, we have to ask ourselves what have we accomplished? I'm not sure but I know we create a reality that does not have the benefits of the wholeness that peace can bring. One may take the wrong path but let that path be their own choosing. And know that the truth we live is the truth they live and the lie we live is the lie they live until they can do differently. That's why we aspire to the good life.  ~ thoughts on guiding our youth
Typically my morning inspirations or thought for the day starts when I arise in the morning and have actually had something to think about. It could be as simple as looking outside, watching the birds or reflecting on a conversation or a tv show or something. But funny thing, I didn't hear a chirp, a cricket or anything of the kind. No, this morning's thought came more fleeting than any other thought, almost as quickly as my feet hit the floor. I figured it was a prompting of wisdom of sorts to release into the earth. And I've learned that those promptings are the most impactful for the longest. They don't feel like anything, they may not even jar any type of emotions. But they express something that the earth wants to move into the circumference of the human ecosystem that perhaps we are interconnected. As my elders say, this means the wind is about to shift. I often laugh at those sayings and wonder why I mention them but I'm learning as I grow older that...
Life can pack some powerful challenges and it helps when love, appreciation and a solid foundation is in tact  to be able to go the distance.~evening thoughts
It's looking like Sundays might become the day the family gets together talk and watch tv. Of course I'm not sure, we'll see how it fairs in a couple of weeks. But I wanted to comment on the movie we were watching. A young girl having a hard time because of bullying. And I thought, how it is important to for young women to know how precious they are (below an excerpt from a poem I wrote) With each dagger Turbulent wind Your train is lifted, flowing Showing the beauty of intricate details and tapestry Fine linen, silk and lace woven Together like a gore one piece close fitting That cannot be unraveled The Kings daughter is all glorious within Her clothing of wrought gold Remember... You are a crown of glory In the hand of the Lord And a Royal diadem In the Hand of God!
It's important to honor the incredible people before you. Some have gone on to glory but those of us who would have lost ourselves used their light as a guide along the path. And for those who have had some struggles you might find my post on 10/8/2010 comforting. ~  a summer thought for sunday

Question of the day

Usually, I start the morning with a thought for the day. Perhaps that will come later. But for now, it's more of a question. I had a phone conversation early this morning with a family member. And let's just say there was not a meeting of the minds or any type of agreement. Of course for me truth is important not always as I see but the way it should be. A friend of mine quotes the saying "a lie is only powerful when it looks like the truth". The statement itself is powerful. When I started this blog I wanted to do it with a voice that could be genuine and honest. After today's conversation I thought, so what happens when one can't be honest? Either they don't have the strength or they just have so much misinformation that things for them are really clear as mud? Is that a mental defense mechanism or is that a character flaw or neither of the above? Any readers of today's post-sound off. I'd love to hear what you have to say on any part of this t...

Thought For The Day

The spirit with which you do anything along with the context determines how beautiful the outcome-recreating is no different because remakes are hard to do and sometimes that means understanding limitations on trying to reconstruct a unique piece, it is for this reason that sometimes you just have to enjoy the original. We learn that so clearly with paintings and songs. Van Gogh's paintings and ahhhhhhhhhhhh yes the Mona Lisa have all had replicated attempts but the reality is nothing has ever come close to the original. Our lives are much the same which is why we should always take the "handle with care" approach and recognize that when we deal with each other we are handling precious cargo.~ Thoughts on remakes, recreating, and precious cargo
As I've stated I love drives sometimes to clear my mind and others to see if I can remember. This morning was that drive. I'm reacquainting myself with an area that I'm no stranger to but need to refresh my sense of direction and location. It's interesting though, when you realize ohhhh now I remember. It's a great feeling. But what was even more amazing is how detailed the mind is. I had every confidence in my mind that it would serve as my compass for the day. I just believed it would and did. That's when I had this thought: Belief in the wrong things can be harmful and long-term belief in the wrong thing can be absolutely devastating. Likewise belief in the right things can be empowering. The mind is so intricate, complicated and just altogether beautiful when it is functioning properly. It is by far one of the most powerful tools that the human body has as a gift to oneself and often times others. I'm literally amazed at it. With the advent of technolo...
To what end do you lose yourself trying to pacify and meet the demands of everyone- it would be a never ending road of discord and difficulty. For sure my dear stopping and discussing where things went amiss would be advisable.

Thought For The Day

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is address important matters but you ultimately have to find the courage to do so less the problem snowballs out of control and you find yourself so entangles that you lose sight of the original problem because you avoided solutions on every turn.
The ability to think for yourself is priceless. It will help you avoid the poor guidance that you may encounter at times .~ Thoughts on looking ahead at the steps you will take for yourself.

Overflow thinking

We were not created to be anyone's flunky, we were created to use every God-given gift and skill we have so that we could create a life- a life that we can be proud of and so much more. So I purpose tonight to determine what is my definition of emotional success? I know that's a different spin but I think it is akin to the greater and tangible aspect of success. I know right-all this on a long evening drive.


As always, if I'm frustrated a long drive with some scenery allows me time to think and release what's in my heart and mind. It's amazing the contrasting imagery and homes you see when traveling a long road. I know there's debate over whether ignorance is bliss but one thing’s for sure perspective is everything. So much so that it was hard to capture my feelings-most thoughts were coming as fast as I was driving those winding curves and hills that was only two lanes. It was those coming and going. I was literally going no-where I was merely driving but I wondered how many were headed home in this beautiful piece of land carved out for residential living. The sprawling land between each home was the landscape and backdrop to my many feelings, feelings that I imagine would be like the dew resting on those lawns come morning. As I kept driving I kept saying to myself what do you see? What do you see? The question was more figurative than it was literal. I...

Thought For The Day

I'm always sensitive to the tremendous struggles that people have but I also know that self- neglect leads to deficiency. In the grand sense of things, one should make their life a priority. When you work to better yourself, you've also put equity into being able to help someone else.