Typically my morning inspirations or thought for the day starts when I arise in the morning and have actually had something to think about. It could be as simple as looking outside, watching the birds or reflecting on a conversation or a tv show or something. But funny thing, I didn't hear a chirp, a cricket or anything of the kind. No, this morning's thought came more fleeting than any other thought, almost as quickly as my feet hit the floor. I figured it was a prompting of wisdom of sorts to release into the earth. And I've learned that those promptings are the most impactful for the longest. They don't feel like anything, they may not even jar any type of emotions. But they express something that the earth wants to move into the circumference of the human ecosystem that perhaps we are interconnected. As my elders say, this means the wind is about to shift. I often laugh at those sayings and wonder why I mention them but I'm learning as I grow older that...