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An Extension of Your Connection

You're life is an extension of the people you are closely connected to. Of course there is personal and professional connections but the point is to understand the connection. Often time we make assumptions about one another without taking the time to know the other. Many pride themselves in doing so. However, you have to take ownership of your life and say what am I connected to? How does this affect my life? What is the benefit or detraction of this exposure? Most times it's great and that's the way it should be. After all this is your life.

These type evaluations are likely a bother to those who aren't invested in the total sum of your life. That's why you have the assessments in the first place. Keep in mind you don't go around asking everyone "are we important to each other-you sit still and observe). As I said, your life is the total sum of those you are around most. It's simple and practical math. It's also things I've mentioned before. So what's newly added. Well, the critical conversations that you do or don't have. Did you know that people who don't know you are more likely to assume knowledge of you. Perhaps said a better way, they don't know what's offensive because they haven't addressed or had conversations with you on personal terms. There is a hilarious side too. Some disregard the personal factor all together.

There's so many scenarios too numerous to explain. But it's like sitting having pizza for the first time with someone you've just met and it begins the beginning of a long ongoing friendship; we've all developed a few friendships that way. However, there's that other scenario where you sit and have hot chocolate-maybe you're at the airport or something. you think, this is awkward. That is a first sign that there may not be a connection. It's the feeling that something is missing in the exchange. Maybe it lacks communications and openness. Maybe it's too much openness. Only you can determine. One things for sure, you can't leave out critical conversations.

Yes, I know, there are varying degrees of this whole relationship phenomenon. You have to ask yourself, Is this a good place for the essence of my life to thrive. This is not a one-sided equation. Both sides have to equal the other (or approximately). I know about the 60/40 rule.  Think about it, we're either positively good for each other, Negatively bad for one another and somehow it just works or it's just all bad. Whichever the scenario only you can determine which equations are best suited for your life. In close, here's a barometer for a positive relationship well-being. Two people are comfortable exchanging communication because it matters. Your words, thoughts and direct communication matter. When they don't matter, and the critical points of your life are not expressed-you are in trouble. When someone doesn't want you to have that expression....Oh it's badddddddd.

So take stock in you, I promise it makes a helluva difference in the exchange quotient with others.

Quote for the day~ Everything was there for the asking. Yet, the important question was never asked. What truth might they have walked away with....


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