Parents don't be afraid to parent your children hence your title would suggest the obligation of doing so. Of course if you are ole school than you take the liberty of including matriarchs and elders. One of the most valuable forms of parenting is being able to direct your children when they are getting off course. Contrary to the thoughts of young people this doesn't take away their ability to grow into independent adults it helps them along in that process. Most teens don't know that maturity is a major attribute of independence or at least being independently happy.
Sometimes you have to establish or set aside downtime for your children. You do it on purpose to help them clarify goals, discover who they are and provide direction. It's guaranteed that they will not like it but in years to come they'll thank you for establishing a process in their lives of direction and self-discovery. Your family should all be able to say at least one major thing that they are looking to achieve for the year, school year etc... If you find that such expectation is absent it’s time for a heart to heart. This may be met with much angst but you do it anyway out of love and best interest.
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