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Showing posts from 2012

On The Eve of Thanksgiving

I know I've been a way for some time and haven't posted. However, you can look for more post as we near towards the end of the year. Thanksgiving is the beginning of the Holiday Season and I wanted to encourage you to take time out to have intimate and personal talks with family and close friends. You'll probably find out something you didn't know or confirm some things that you did. I'm always amazed that when I share time with others we're surprised at what we didn't know about the other. We take so much for granted and make so many presumptions that we err in our relationships when we don't have time. Use this time to get to know your family a little better, fall in love a little deeper, and strengthen your relationships. If you are traveling, this is a great time to have conversations you've never had before. Press the envelop and see what unfolds.

Ones character and integrity is not just in what they say but in the strength and longevity of these attributes. It is not in perfection that we measure morality its in how we are mindful that false truths are reckless to the human spirit. For this reason we value frankness of truth between friends and our fellow man. when you make the effort to discuss in earnest. Thats when you give a damn. To, know the heart of someone is to have inquired on the matter. Any other words are mindless, unconfirmed, lacking substance. Every act of evil from apartheid, to slavery to the holocaust, were rooted in the false speech of man, who knew not the fellowship of honesty.Funny how we learn this as children but we have to purpose ourselves as adults to remain unquenched by such frailties of nature. To remain present is to be in touch with this moral compass. Has then been your truth. I inquire of you who read this today. What has anchored your beliefs? Write back or comment below.

Let others be sadly mistaken and in error about who you are Your job is to maintain your character and live a fluid life with limitless boundaries for your potential and success. The redundancy of words from those who dont mean you well are like withered leaves carried away by the wind. That is never your focus. Rather become fixated on that which has equitable value to your life. Verily I say to this is one promise for success that can ride the tide of a volatile with great buoyancy.~

Back to School...Let's talk

Last year I started devoting a post or two toward "back to school" conversations. Well it's that time of year again. Time flies by and I can hardly believe we’re purchasing school supplies. We are officially back to school. Children are already doing homework, deciding which electives they want to take and gearing up for the summer/fall paid sports program. In all the hustle and bustle of getting back into the swing of school days take time to look at your child in the face. See how they've matured from last year and even over the summer and yet their faces are still all too precious and young.  Yep they're growing up. They are one year older and in your mind they're probably still so small in this big world. Well rest assured your concerns are felt by every parent, guardian, caretaker and educator alike. However, we have to realize these young people are students who someday (and maybe sooner than others) will affect the world great and small. Th...

Thought For The Day

My inspiration, motivation, or role model is the example of where I want to be. To look elsewhere is to be off course. You should have a model, a visual of what "your" wealthy place, success or accomplishment looks like. Of course if you trailblaze a path untaken, you still formulate in your mind a description of what it feels like.

Thought For The day

On the new trend for finding that special someone:   Men are getting "man-gagement" rings. I'm with that! I guess they want a little shine too. If you're talking ice for women, because we know that men like that for their ladies: Clarity is important when selecting diamonds but cut is important as well. In fact a nice cut will also help to reflect the stone well giving off a nice brilliance. I'm no expert at all but there's the whole "bling and shine" trend and thought I'd add my two scents. Just in case "you" wanted to know.

Advice to New Grads Cont.

Learn to rest in what you're purposed to do or pursuing those things that help you to define it. Spend time developing who you are. You'll find that to be most beneficial. Be sure to avoid creating a life built by someone else other than you, it is certain to spiral away, causing you to wonder where it is you have strayed. Don't think ill of others who have found their way but find peace in creating a life worth living and sharing with others.

Advice To New Grads

Graduation and Commencements have come and gone and still there are those for summer sessions. It's a great time of year and there's so much potential and possibilities in the air. A newness of life and expectation; children are off to college in a few months and others are beginning careers. Often this is accompanied with apprehension and what if's. The question is always asked what would you tell a new grad? Having traveled this road three times I can identify with many who are in celebration and preparation mode. My advice "be bold in your life". Boldness is not always boisterous it is the approach with which you are active and involved in your dreams and the wonderful things concerning what "you've planned". Yes, many of us plan to be so much so do that. Take each step toward each goal and dream and do it with the conviction. I'm always excited, present, and involved in my life and you should be too. If there's anything you've lea...

Thought For The Day

Life is not a matter of forgotten memories or meaningless past. It is a soliloquy of celebrated experiences, good times remembered and peace with time before. That which is forgettable we reconcile it unto a bright future. Oh yes the steps that we climbed to the podium, ran across the finish line were past steps that can create a path to a desired destination. I’m glad to have awakened this morning and felt the sun as I did yesterday. Those round trip flights aren’t you glad the pilot knew the way home. The gymnast who performed to all four corners of the mat, when she landed that arabesque where her feet had traveled once before, boy how the crowd roared when she brought home the gold.   ~reflections and mirrors are not always laced with reasons to erase. They can be reasons why we believe in something so special.

A Burger & Some Fries

I caught a glimpse on the web about dating. What to wear, what to say, eat-you know the dos and don't s of being with that special someone or someone of interest. It all has its place but it seems to leave out the main importance-building a relationship. That's really not a no brainier. I'm learning that people don't connect well socially. Having graduated from college I'm fully grown and the younger generation are looking like "what does she know". Well I'll tell you this, I've had conversations in the cell-phone company, learned more about a guy than many several years my junior learns in two dates; and will have fun all the same. That's why I say a burger and sweet potato fries goes a long way. If he’s funny well you just may have hit the ball out of the park. Every guy doesn't have to be the one and understanding that helps the dating process. You can focus on the friendship and if sparks fly then great. But if not perhaps...

This Bicycle is Built For Two Baby

This Bicycle is built for two Baby Some things are just not meant to be substituted. Only the real thing is representative of it.   Often times we delay the best part of our lives trying to fit too much and too many in a love only built for two.   Let’s get in unison, on one accord first and then invite others to celebrate our love. ~How to keep your family tight and get back on course when others try to take over and invite you to your relationship~. Now that’s hilarious

Thought For The Day

If someone doesn't understand you (or what you are doing), it is a good sign they either don't know, have been given misinformation or you need to explain again. Clarity is the supreme thing; one should not forsake being understood or leaving the details to several interpretations. Things that usually don't make sense are a sign of lack of effective communication.
How many requests does she have to make before he answers? If it is love only once; how long does it take for him to be by her side? Not long, his love doesn’t want to see her cry. ~Thoughts on summer time and signs of positive relationships~
It is always important that you continue to press forward in building a future and quality of life. Don't be a perpetrator in your own life. Neither surround yourself with people who are. Make sure that you acquaint yourself with those who are forward thinking like you. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't know about you but I'm stepping back and Leapinggggg!!!!
What vision do you have for your family? What legacy do you see through the generation? That's what you strive for, push, for etc... ~The things that make children proud long after ancestors are gone~

For You...

A Tribute to Mothers You’re smile lights up a room Your stride is inviting Come along Walk with me why don’t you You’re a Mother To yours and others too You ease a tense moment Understand when few do Share your experience “Here’s what I do” Transparent in so many ways Baby I’ve had those very same days You’re a guiding force With beauty and grace A lightly painted canvass Gorgeous… As your hair Frames your face On any given day You’re love holds A special place I honor you Don’t know how You do what you do Today I celebrate with you Happy Mother’s Day!
If ever someone suggests a notion that doesn't speak to even the smallest parts of know to look for the truth.
A moment of pause as a slight and faint wind makes its way through the leaves. The breeze seems still except for that brief moment of reprieve. What an interesting day, am I allowed to say, I am truly missing... Thoughts wandering in the summer heat.

What's in a name?

If you come from a family like mine you learn very quickly that everything is in a name. The word family typically includes a whole unit of persons related with similarities falling in many categories in addition to those shared physical traits. But what about the individual within the group. Is he or she not important. Of course you are. Your name says a lot not just about who you are but who you are not . We have a lot of girls /women in our family and it's not uncommon to hear several names rattled off before you get to who's actually being called. Finally you hear "you know whom I'm talking about". We find ourselves laughing and in unison say the name of the intended person. While all of that is great and part of family sharing I've learned something valuable over the years. Who I am, who I'm called to be and my name is very important. It distinguishes me from others. You'll find your goals for your life are different as well.  Parents...

To Decipher the Truth

There are obvious things that one can imitate. However, the truth lies in the not so obvious that can however, very much be verified. The substance of one can often be found hidden in the not so "everyday' details. I liken it to a whiteout experience that is historical, only those who come through it understand what it means to steady a hand to drive on the fine line and not go over. Or for some who know both the horror and spectacular of what happens with wind and fire. When you find the obvious- look beyond to see if you can discover the hidden truth.

Thought For The Day...

Don't waste time going back in the past trying to re-create memories that should be in your heart. Don't spend time projecting the issues of others on to someone else; and by all means know who you love. It should not be a matter of hesitation. Don't major in the minors. Major in your present life moving forward to something altogether special and meaningful. Look forward to a wonderful life of love that yes, consists of unforgettable memories that make you laugh, cry, dance, and celebrate. Remember the spirit of life lives within us that we may carry it into our future. Resolve, reconcile, that you might live an exciting life. Love would never want you to be weighted down unable to move forward and be progressive. Let your vision include things of old and things of new. But by all means live in the present. I can think of no better thing to be free to love, love platonically, and yes romantically. Free to have public displays of affection (pda) and to cheek kiss and thin...

Something to Think About

If someone requires you to blindly trust them for long, long, periods of time, with matters unresolved a conversation is long overdue and you may need to question their agenda and heart. Insights from discussions on why trust is not the exception to communication they're the inclusion of the other. It's the two working together that strengthens the union.
Whose truth is believable? Time may have to reveal but verily I say to you it is the one that is most honest and sincere that can be trusted.

Thought For The Day

Don't fill empty lockers from the past, one's youth has its place, but so does the future. Yes it true the past greets the present and segues into our future. But who would commit such folly to hold on to such moments as if they were a shrine? If anything, produce something memorable that brings true honor. To do otherwise would be an offense to the life worth living in the "now". A truncated life has such a short history. Longevity is precious for such reasons one would be baffled to have to articulate. But if I must provide one, what would a wife be to her husband whose life never left the school yard. For life is a gift of paradise, don't "tear down paradise and build a parking lot" (J.M.) Thoughts on the beauty of the wisdom.

At Ease...

The measure of your standards will determine your comfort of looking your fellow man (or woman) in the eye. I liken it to two comrades who can look the other at the widening of the iris at their time of duty and say at ease soldier, I stand on the wall and quiet the sea, you may rest I'm fully able to stand and not compromise the line. I am attentive to courtesies (manners) and integrity is ours to share. There you will find no slack in my line. Thoughts on goodwill...

It is in being that there is a blessing

We purpose ourselves to become something that we all can link together and make great strides toward our goals. It would be disastrous to become nothing ... for whose benefit, certainly not yours. Speak life into your future and anticipate tomorrow. Do - it with me step back and leap into tomorrow's dreams!

There is a difference...

Talking with parents can be interesting. As you mature you’ll discover that while they are always teaching there are moments when children teach too. As a result I have come to this resolve. There’s a difference and a line between faith and optimism and “pretending” everything is okay when it’s not . With faith you can be proactive, having a resolve that you can work problems out and come to a peaceable solution or at least an outcome. You don’t have to deny that there is a problem. That’s why you pray with faith to work it out. “Pretending” everything is okay does not give you space to admit the obvious and thus things may get worse with you holding on to the reigns in an immobile position with no anchor to dock.   It’s a fine-line I know but as children we learn early on what can be lost to “pretending” sometimes parents forget that. But it's the difference that today's generation has quickly come to understand much to their heartache. The truth on why we ad...

Thought For The Day

Got writers block, a lot going on and can't focus? Trying writing with music. Not just any music, something that speaks to your heart, relaxing, and calming. It's amazing how it generates a spring of thoughts.

Thought For The Day

 What makes you confident in being who you are? Free to be you or living to be someone else? Should we even have to ask these questions? We live in such an artificial world that all questions are worth pondering.

Thought For The Day

Okay, I'm reading an e-newsletter that says creative people are dishonest. I hope you don't mind if I tell you I had a knee-jerk reaction. Just for the record, honesty is not a creative issue. It's a moral issue. Dishonesty falls in all walks of life. If creativity and innovation was an issue of honesty than some of the poorest people should be wealthy. Petty crime runs amok and can be found in abundance. However for the world of those who are innovators looking to create a product that not only is a help to others but helps them live product lives- let's pray that the moral issue of integrity and honesty is viewed as it is. Yes, there are good storytellers. However, that is a matter of character and not talent.  I promise you it's a character issue. Those who put their hands to work to create should not be put in a one-size shoe category. No not all. What becomes of us who know not right from wrong, the issue lies within the soul.

Thought for the day

We set boundaries so that in no uncertain terms do we allow people to think the game of crossing them is acceptable. It's a matter respect, self-love and courtesy for others. Those who play the folly of such personal games lack the substance to which solid character is defined. Humanity and good will toward men exists because we know the difference between shallow thinking and that which legacies and strong families are built. Sometimes we forget the conversation of such important matters and we coast in the shallow end with each other unnecessarily. It is for that reason we should know courtesy and when to extend the olive branch.

A Blessing to do so...

You've heard me say live on purpose with purpose. The same is true for giving on purpose with purpose. Having something you can believe in is very important. Longevity is in what we extend our hands to and what we create. What way do you desire to impact the world? It is that understanding with which you get involved and connected. When what you desire is not in front of you, look for that which is; from there go forth. We're fast closing in on the first quarter of the year with three more to go, I'm clear on what I want the next three to look like. Open up to those things which have proven to lead to where you want to go. If the last 10 years look the same, do something different. Connect in a different way. Trail blaze a different path. If my grandmother were here, I know I’d have her blessing in doing so. What about you?

Thought For The Day

Let your love be words that are bold and true holding one another together in unison. The bold truth of love never should be forsaken as it is never a waste but more like precious ointment through the years. It is the passion and unmitigated truth that hold on to those who are precious to us. Yes we count it a privilege to love.

Thought For The Day

  If you struggle with honesty...everything else will be an uphill battle as well, either before, during, or after such discretions are realized. For what becomes of us who avoids the road to a reliable source. Hmmm... Is today's happenings any indication?

Thought For The Day

Sometimes we have to ask ourselves.... Are we trying to establish and build or are we trying to destroy? If you don't know the answer than you just discovered part of it; the other part lies in the conversations you have and more importantly the ones you don't have or never even attempted to have. These being my thoughts on making a connection and the soundness of relationships; a reflection on a question I posed to my parent. Do you know what’s important to me? Of course it would not be worthy or of any value (and certainly not fair) if I could not first answer my own ponderings. The idea is that if my heart has been trained to listen to what’s important to you and your future thoughts then and only then can I pose my questions about my wonderings of the faithfulness of someone’s heart.

Thought For The Day

If you give with your heart and you serve your best and the thank you is less than kind... remember "it's the journey not the destination". In other words life and the best of who you are don't have to stop at that moment.

Thought For The Day

If in a relationship the heart of what you feel is overlooked...It's a good sign that the relationship is in trouble. When you matter, so does your true feelings; it is in this place that you build but in the absence of such tangible necessities you may find you've arrived at a strange place and a parting of souls.

Cover Your Life In Extraordinary Ways

Don't be the cover the girl on a road to who knows where; Be the Cover Girl of your own life...Covering your life in extraordinary ways taking beauty along with you. That's the Cover Girl that you aspire to be. The one that there's more to than meet's the eyes. Now smile because there's something special about the way you shine!!!

Thought For The Day

So they say what's love got to do with it? It depends on the context; sometimes it has nothing at all and other times it has everything to do with it. In a very general sense...hurt people hurt people. People who don't know love don't have it to give. So then you have to ask what are they giving? Your answer will determine what love has to do with it.

Thought For The Day

You are the product of the five most people you are around. Make sure that 2012 is the year of positive connections and alignment with those who are going to the same direction. It is with those decisions that you improve your quality of life.

Thought For The Day

I'm headed off to a birthday party. But I just wanted to leave you this thought... How we nurture one another and the truth with which we live our lives is very much a supreme thing, a delight that we should acknowledge. Have a wonderful week on Monday .

Thought For The Day

The vision for your life should have given depth to your horizons. Connect with positive energy and use your words to connect you to your dreams. There are many things we sup on but when you can digest the words that provide nourishment to your dreams you will regurgitate them to until that existence becomes real. Let everyone in your family know that you have a vision. Give them a preview so if ever asked they will know how to speak accurately. Why am I saying this? Aim words toward where you want them to go (your dream). It's likely that such matters would never be a conversation for your family. However, if it were, you will have given them practice toward how to speak on the matter. Of course if you're like me you've given them a visual preview as well. Take this year seriously and let all roads lead to your desired goal. It's positive speech with a verbal strategy that says "I expect something great to happen this year". What are your plans?

Thought For The Day

Having a vision and purpose for your life is a principle thing. You have to be willing to walk away from those that jeoporadize that including family. Why? Wholeness and peace begins with finding others who value it as much as you do.

Thought For The Day

Innocence is so precious that we don't trample on it because it's one of the few things that keeps us human and sensitive beyond the cynicism. The man who says it isn't important has lost his heart. For this cause the man who makes the attempt to honor me as a woman is indeed precious and a boaz in the time of need. You'll catch that later.