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As I've stated I love drives sometimes to clear my mind and others to see if I can remember. This morning was that drive. I'm reacquainting myself with an area that I'm no stranger to but need to refresh my sense of direction and location. It's interesting though, when you realize ohhhh now I remember. It's a great feeling. But what was even more amazing is how detailed the mind is. I had every confidence in my mind that it would serve as my compass for the day. I just believed it would and did. That's when I had this thought:

Belief in the wrong things can be harmful and long-term belief in the wrong thing can be absolutely devastating. Likewise belief in the right things can be empowering. The mind is so intricate, complicated and just altogether beautiful when it is functioning properly. It is by far one of the most powerful tools that the human body has as a gift to oneself and often times others. I'm literally amazed at it. With the advent of technology and all these wonderful capabilities by far the mind still amazes me. Now I know why I heard the old folks as we call them say "the mind of the righteous is blessed". Indeed it is. ~Thoughts on a beautiful mind


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