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Showing posts from May, 2011
Be mindful of those who have trouble with honesty, tries to dictate and control your friendships and relationships. Verily I say to you they have a hidden agenda.

In My Box

Today I received an interesting thought for the day if you will in my inbox. And I thought hmmm what precipitated this. The saying was and I paraphrase, " no matter how much pain and hurt in your life you'll still be able to have a normal sexual life .  If you're like me, different things provoke you and so I wondered what the inspiration behind the above words of encouragement was. While I had not experienced such pain my heart goes out to women who have. And so I was provoked to the point of recall. I remembered a very special phrase in the bible that says a woman's worth is far above rubies. She is as precious as jewels. Even a shattered jewel still has value. It is with that email, that I realized once again, why I had sat down and wrote the poem "We Are". Although I posted it several months ago, I realize it holds true and women need to know that I am, We are, They are, loved and beautiful, deserving and yes worthy. It is in this same vein of thought t...

Early Morning Thought

What is it that makes one refuse to acknowledge a problem is the result of lack of early prevention steps when others can see the problem would occur afar off. That is way it's important to address the matter head on to begin with.
Being delusional never works. I'll never understand what makes people believe a frenzy of lies when things don't add up or make sense~thoughts on the human mind

Humor and Being Human and Starting The Morning out...

Okay, so my previous post showcases the fact that I'm definitely ready to call it a night and I have dry humor. But I'm human, and that's the point of this last post of the day. This morning started out with a bang. My voice raises and the door slams Bammmm!  I am mad.  Yes, I said it, I was mad. And what's weird was the reaction. My family was looking like what's gotten in to her. I thought, hmmmm, it's good that I show this side every once in a while. See here's the thing, I'm not Jesus nor do I profess to be. But I do believe in handling yourself accordingly. Which people get soooooo use to you being so calm. But every once in a while you have to let people know hey something or someone has crossed the line. And so I owned those feelings. And right after doing so, I worked out and was able to release it. I laugh because I had to apologize for slamming the door that early in the  morning. I think the birds even stopped chirping for a moment. ~...

Funny Thought of The Night

So here's the thing, my family has this cloth rocking chair. And it use to be comfortable but some how it has lost the ability to do so, at least for me. But that's besides the point. I watched a few people in it today and I declare to you, it's looks like the time out chair. Watching people in it is like watching a child go to the corner and stand. Okay, so maybe it's late and you don't quite get my humor but it's the funniest thing to me. Let's just say, I won't be sitting in the naughty chair.

To The Graduate

So we are upon the season of graduation and commencements. The feeling of accomplishment and next steps is in the air. It's a time of well wishes and long roads traveled for some. And so those who have traveled the same roads of a graduate are asked to share a bit of wisdom to encourage these hopefuls along the way. So what would I say to an upcoming graduate? Don't ever become so insignificant in your own life that you don't seek to show up and be involved in the important matters that concern you. Your dreams, your goals, your relationships, your contributions to society etc. are truly released, birthed and established when you bring yourself to those moments, time and space. So even when you laugh, laugh with your whole heart, when you cry allow yourself to feel in that moment whatever joy or pain you are experiencing, when you love, love with your whole being, because the wisdom to know what's true and real, the experience, and lessons learned really come alive wh...

Thought For The Night

I'm yawing and so I know that soon it will be time to call it a night. But as I prepare to make it a night of sweet dreams (or maybe not), actually a good night's rest will do; I think to myself, ladies, love every part of who you are (even while you are making improvements to a better you) and you'll find that being fully present in the moment with yourself and others, is so much more real and true.
When you are secure in yourself you have the ability to follow who God has called you to be and that includes being spiritually sound with peace in knowing the character of who He is and how He moves. This gives you a positional resistance like you would never believe. It's the anchor that stabilizes the vessels, channels the hearing to the correct frequency and signal to what he says, and the peace to know confidantly what really and truly is the Father's Heart.~Thoughts on how to sail in your personal life.

Once again...

Once again, my information has come up missing. This is a serious problem. Unfortunately, I have to keep calm but no that I can't trust anyone in the home. Teenagers with low self-esteem or some family member playing a prank when you're not playing. The sad part is that teens who have adults help them with bad behavior usually have a hard time being productive members of society. This has to stop. I suppose I have found the solution though. I'm venting put must solve the problem by locking up all my things in the home. ~ Thoughts on staying calm but solving the problem and praying for the lost.
Don't take something from someone and then proclaim that it's your right to challenge the rightful recipients to what belongs to them .~ Thoughts on who does that
What is one to think when a relative who is several decades your senior professes they have had the same experiences as you but they haven't? Is this an attempt to live vicariously through your life or should one remember the conversations when they were advised one who is not humble and avoids difficult situations has a hard time addressing the truth and accepting what they've done. I'm not sure which it is, but verily I say unto you if the latter is the truth then it's a recipe for disaster. Such avoidance erodes away at the respect you once had for this individual.~ Thoughts on hindrances to love in family relationships
Sometimes you have to sit back and watch and let people assume and then kindly provide them direction.~ thoughts on the beauty of patience and observation
For all the people who have read my blog and have learned something, gained insight, or just was given a  different view, I thank you for your continued support.
The wonderful thing about copy right protection is that it starts the moment the author starts writing or typing on the keyboard.~Business thought of the day
So here's the thing, I was fuming but I'm calm now. Somehow my jump drive has come up missing. If it weren't for the fact that it happened in my own home I wouldn't be upset. Seemingly with this new transition  to a new state my things are always coming up missing. And of course there's no explanation as to why. I've made some assessments and have discovered some grave realities. Okay now that I got that out. I can approach the matter in a more calm way. ~ thoughts on family and personal space.

Happy Mother's Day

Being a mother is the ultimate sacrifice where courage, selflessness, hurts, pains, love and joy intersect in this world that we call life; and you've been given the job of a loom that weaves all of these moments together in your child's life performing miracles that nurture them to be whole and healthy people. And those adjectives don't even do the title Mother justice; So to all of the women who have labored to bring forth life....Happy Mother's Day. May your day be full of peace, rest, and enjoyment of celebrating the moment of this special day.

Starting The Day Off Right

Today I worked out at the Y. It was very thoughtful of my cousin to invite me along as a guest with her. It was nice and I enjoyed using their facility. There's nothing better than getting a good workout in on a Friday just as the weekend is getting started. But get this; at the Y they take your picture even if you are a visitor with ID. I thought that strange but they said it was for security purposes.  I hope so. And even more I hope my picture is secure as well. You know nowadays you have to check to be sure. People share information when they shouldn't but since they didn't give me any notification that any 3rd party might have access to my info, I'll trust that they are just providing good secure service and proper privacy procedures are maintained. I suppose should a problem arise I can call and inquire about the matter. That being said, I'm ready to go into the Mother's Day weekend feeling gooddddddddddddd.
If you have created a problem, and courage seems to have escaped you, verily I say unto you, don't be afraid to say you messed up, or you need help, trying to camouflage the problem as something other than what it is, is hardly ever the solution, neither is withholding the truth from people who can help you. Likewise if you feel that for the first time in your life you have really wanted something and you think it may slip away because of your own doing, don't project the matter on to an innocent person, express your concern and trust that you are loved enough that someone who can help will look back and think of you. ~ Thoughts on family relationships.

Thought For The Day

Make no assumptions about what a man or woman thinks, their desires, or how they feel without asking. You may find that you have been sadly mistaken and wrongly misguided. Besides what manner of person does not take the time to know the true thoughts of someone of interest without talking with them? Hmmm
I just seen a beautiful picture of a bird in motion. It's mirror reflection against the water is breathtaking. And I think to myself, water, rain, and tears can be so cleansing to the soul. ~Thoughts on lessons in the water

Thought For The Day

Thou should knowest to never be moved internally by exterior conditions and displays that seemingly appear to bring inclement conditions for they too can be used as a backdrop on your canvass.
Don't spend time scheming in attempt to delay the inevitable. Relax, lay back and flow with the current of the stream.~thoughts on how lessons in the water can be applied to life.
Sometimes you have to separate that which is meant to be confidential and that which was meant to hurt you. The good of a thing will always at some point be revealed but that which is intended to be negative and hurt will linger like a a bad taste in your mouth. And when you know you deserve better you don't have to settle for a man's excusable version of abuse whatever it may be. ~ thoughts on emotions and seeking the good you know you deserve ~

Thought For The Day

Sometimes fear can make the boldest of men irrational. That's when you have to close your eyes, hear the voice of God and know that to the right and left He will flank every step you take.

Thought For The Day

When you find that a young person just can't seem to get themselves on the right track and dysfunction is threatening see if you can find the root of the problem, a solution, and space that you can breathe in positive energy.