What is one to think when a relative who is several decades your senior professes they have had the same experiences as you but they haven't? Is this an attempt to live vicariously through your life or should one remember the conversations when they were advised one who is not humble and avoids difficult situations has a hard time addressing the truth and accepting what they've done. I'm not sure which it is, but verily I say unto you if the latter is the truth then it's a recipe for disaster. Such avoidance erodes away at the respect you once had for this individual.~ Thoughts on hindrances to love in family relationships
Love is the thing that makes you smile, knows when you need a hug, supports you when you need uplifting, is a calming force, an ally when needed, but more importantly a hand to hold in times good, bad, and otherwise. Love is not be feared. But we should fear never giving ourselves and truly loving.
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