If you have created a problem, and courage seems to have escaped you, verily I say unto you, don't be afraid to say you messed up, or you need help, trying to camouflage the problem as something other than what it is, is hardly ever the solution, neither is withholding the truth from people who can help you. Likewise if you feel that for the first time in your life you have really wanted something and you think it may slip away because of your own doing, don't project the matter on to an innocent person, express your concern and trust that you are loved enough that someone who can help will look back and think of you. ~Thoughts on family relationships.
Love is the thing that makes you smile, knows when you need a hug, supports you when you need uplifting, is a calming force, an ally when needed, but more importantly a hand to hold in times good, bad, and otherwise. Love is not be feared. But we should fear never giving ourselves and truly loving.
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