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To The Graduate

So we are upon the season of graduation and commencements. The feeling of accomplishment and next steps is in the air. It's a time of well wishes and long roads traveled for some. And so those who have traveled the same roads of a graduate are asked to share a bit of wisdom to encourage these hopefuls along the way. So what would I say to an upcoming graduate?

Don't ever become so insignificant in your own life that you don't seek to show up and be involved in the important matters that concern you. Your dreams, your goals, your relationships, your contributions to society etc. are truly released, birthed and established when you bring yourself to those moments, time and space. So even when you laugh, laugh with your whole heart, when you cry allow yourself to feel in that moment whatever joy or pain you are experiencing, when you love, love with your whole being, because the wisdom to know what's true and real, the experience, and lessons learned really come alive when you are engaged in those realities.


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