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Early Morning Post

My family and many of you with children probably use the term “use your words” when speaking to the little ones. It has become our way of encouraging them to exercise use of the English language and to become comfortable speaking and expressing themselves. The question becomes, are we doing the same thing? I come to challenge you to make sure that you are. Our foundations of understanding determine the foundation of truth we speak-or does it? It should but surprisingly that’s not always the case. Like children, adults when they are not sure of themselves or if they are not honest in their speech will recline from “using their words” or engaging in honest talk. No way! Yes it is so.

It’s a bit of a humorous twist that can pervade into relationships if you let it. Don’t do it. Don’t slip into a form of communicating that is timid towards embracing real dialogue. Hence I’m not talking about the spats a couple may have which results in keeping conversations minimal on purpose. I’m talking about being honest in your conversations because it impacts how you communicate and the integrity with which you defend your position of support. Why is this even important you may ask? If you  have a genuine love to see young people do well and be well we have to make sure that we can promote honest talk as we suggest to them.

Misplaced audacities will cause you to stand for that which has form but no substance, lacking the confidence to address matters head on; but being forthright will always, always, allow you to have the intestinal fortitude to discourse on the difficult without shrinking back from matter- of- fact conversations because you know the value of effective communication and you have fashioned space, an “emotional chamber”, if you will in your life for such exchanges to exist and be had. That is the platform that we can most effectively champion the cause of young people. Honestly speaking it's just a strengthened position in love as we prepare to gather during this time of year.  


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