He who provokes thought, contemplation and one's inner reflection is worthy of esteem.
I've been doing my morning reading and after several articles in this thought repeatedly came to mind. We should endeavor to do better when we know better and avoid justifying wrongs because of formality. Using formality for the good is worthwhile; even if you have to question what's good. However using it to harm the very human spirit of people is an act against humanity. If you look at the fabric of history we find that the legacy of such acts is wrought with painful historical account. One we spend a lifetime trying to make amends. It's a controversial topic- I know but, one that would probably lend itself to robust discourse in a leadership class of mature individual thinkers who may agree or disagree.
The question becomes-how can we become better communities while trying to leverage right against wrong when formality challenges our moral "compass"? There are some things that are amoral-nether right or wrong. However, there are some things that lend itself toward a particular direction either for or against goodwill. So what is
apropos in a world where tradition and formality has laid the foundation for structure? What do we do when such practices have their place but over the years some have put us at odds with the rights of men and have bent towards destruction? I won't pretend that I have the right answer or that there is only one answer as we know not every situation is a one-size shoe fits all. But this one thing I do know is that anger is not always an indication of poor behavior it can let you know when you've been wronged. God calls it a righteous indignation. All minds are not seared on this matter.
As a child of the 70s and 80s I can embrace the unconventional however I do have a love for tradition so what is at the core of any challenges of the two? I suggest looking at it not with your eyes and touching it with your spirit and then see if your soul cries or rejoices? There we may find what direction the stalk bends.
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