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O Holy Night

O Holy Night is one of my favorite Christmas songs. So much so I can listen to it several times in a row. But this Christmas  I was listening to the words as usual so I thought but the 3rd verse caught my attention. I begin to think of the myriad of reasons that Christmas is special including the birth of Christ and what this night stood for. It is with that understanding that fellowshipping and breaking bread with my family was all the more special.

We gather together to honor life, love and living. To honor what each of our presence means to one another. So many things in life will try and interfere in the time you have with family, everything from health to finances and that in between. But for those who made it to this Christmas nothing stopped our fun. I realized that my mom and her sisters are getting older but often times I forget because their youthful spirit can not be quenched. And for that I love them. For those who wanted to come but couldn't make it because of finances, in the words of my mom's youngest sister, the "devil is a lie". We'll just have to plan next year to be even bigger and better.

Thought for the day inspired by O' Holy Night
Truth is always founded on honesty and integrity.


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