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A conversation between two...

Every major decision should be given thought and made with great care. That is why I do not believe in or agree to unspoken expectations or hidden agendas. They are of no positive consequence and do not add value to your life.

While talking with someone they used a comparison that involved two family members and their birthrights. The analogy is derived from a famous story in the bible. I was really perplexed by the analogy and had to give it a great deal of thought. I didn't understand what they were trying to convey put it did provoke my consciousness regarding the strength and love of relationships.

To honor or value any relationship you must have open communication. It would be dangerous emotionally and otherwise to share your life with someone who did not value what is significant to you or what is rightfully yours. Value added relationships are a positive addition to your life not a detraction. Be cautious with those who have no thought to the important things in your life. Communication allows individuals in a relationship to determine best interest. We go through life and share a great deal with many but important factors should be reserved for a select few. Why?
There are several types of relationships and you can distinguish them by how well you communicate and value you each other. How you value one another determines the strength of the relationship. Love does not put one in bondage but it finds an agreeable means by which two or more can exist together.

I grew up hearing, how can two walk together unless they agree. The older I get the more I know it to be true. This can apply to every important relationship you have.

During this month heading into the next, look for thought provoking questions and discussions on the value and impact of positive relationships


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