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Question For Today

Early this morning I dreamed that someone who I held in great respect allowed someone to tell a lie that caused major problems in the lives of many. Perhaps she was needy for the relationship and thought it fitting not to address the lie. I'm not sure. I suppose that's why you have to examine those whom you have respect for.  I woke up with this thought on my mind.

A true friend would never take something at your expense or in a manner that lacks integrity and honesty. They would never believe anything without first fact-checking with you. And if they love you they will always come to you with the truth.

Here's what I learned:

Deception and destruction usually starts with a lie that involves other people which keeps the lie going. Innocent people (and maybe even children) get caught up and those who willfully participate in the matter become intertwined if the lie is intricate enough. You'll find that the person behind the lie is a known mess maker and is probably hiding behind a large group or the fears of others to keep up the facade. They create smoke screens to make the matter about everything but what the truth is really about. They project on to the other person so that the lie doesn't have to be addressed. So the question becomes how do you deal with the person who initiated the deception? Do you make them accountable for their actions? Again, communication is so important. I don't believe the answer is in letting others bear the burden of their destruction. Do we hold other people hostage to the lie started by one? Or do we declare that we would not subject the lives of those whom we love to such recklessness. Thoughts anyone?

Of course we handle situations with  our young people differently. As they have to learn and be taught the value of relationships.


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